Friday, October 23, 2009

Informative Speech Critique #1

Good job on your first speech. There are a few things to work on for our next speech, but overall, it was a strong effort that was shown. Everyone illustrated to me that they put proper research time, planning time and practice time into their speech presentation. Let's keep it up for the next speech! We will be addressing those areas that we excel and those areas that need improvement. Please comment on your own presentation based on your observation, the student critique in class and my critique. Identify three need areas for improvement in the next speech. What will you be focusing on to improve your presentation? How will you work on these areas? Be specific with a step by step action plan for improvement. Then, be sure to remark on the areas that you had a strength and were pleased with applying in this presentation. The areas that must be part of effective communication that you will continue to utilized in your presentations. Be sure this blog is detailed, with descriptions, examples. Avoid vague comments. Self awareness is how we learn.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Do Words Really Matter?

We will be preparing soon for our next speech and taking on a new goal in our speaking with persuasive speech. It will be your job in the next speech to find an issue that you feel are passionate. What words or strategies can you imploy to movitate change in your audience? We will review the techniques and strategies of persuasive speaking in the next few sessions. Take a look at this video. Leave a comment to this 11 year old boy's desire to create change. We will discuss in class later this week.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Power of Positive Criticism

An important part of becoming a strong speaker is using the feedback from your audience to develop a self awareness of yourself and your message. We spoke about the idea of viewing the critiques that you will receive on your speeches as a "gift" from your classmates to becoming a stronger speaker. We need to stay aware of how we share this information with each other. What words or ways will you share with each other suggestions for strengths and improvements? It is important to always remember that the criticism should be positive in form whether it is sharing a strength or necessary improvement. What ways can you share suggestions for ways to improve? Try to think what can I teach another student when I critique them, not just list of speech criteria. Check out this brief article. Dr. Weisinger is a psychologist, author that addresses the area of positive criticism and emotional intelligence as a means to finding both personal and professional success. Share in your comments suggestions for what needs to be addressed in your opinion in speech critiques. How will you share this information? And, have you ever receive a critique that you found useful? Or destructive? What things have you found to be helpful in receiving advice? This blog comment is due by Thursday, October 22th at the start of class. You must write a post that contains 300 words. Please check for spelling and grammar. This post will count toward course points in participation.