Monday, January 19, 2009

Creating An Impression

The goal of this assignment is to further deepen the knowledge acquired in class this semester in producing an effective speech presentation, please include the following criteria as a comment to this blog before our next class meeting on Thursday, May 21st.Find a clip of a presenter (celebrity, athlete, politician, etc.) on Youtube or some other video outlet available to you on the Internet, and evaluate why you feel he or she makes an impact on you through his/her speech. You can use the feedback form you will be using to evaluate your peer's presentation next week as a reference for what to look for in this review. This presenter can be making a speech, giving an interview or in a film as a character who makes an impact on you. The clip should not be more than two minutes (it is just a small part of the whole presentation). Place the url address of the link in the blog for me and your peers to look at as they review your posting. Additionally, be prepared to share why you chose this person in our class meeting on Monday. As stated, you can use Youtube, news site (,, TED Talks site or some other video sharing location on the web.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Welcome to Com 154 -Public Speaking

Welcome! We will be utilizing this blog as a means of sharing our critiques. Everyone needs to open a google name and password to post on our class blog. We will primarily post our speech critiques here. It will give us the opportunity to review our performances. Please do not sign your posting with your last name or some other unfamiliar crazy name. Be sure to give me your first name and the first letter of your last name so I can give you credit for your work. If you have problems getting started with the blog, please do not be concerned...just email me or bring your questions to class. You will catch on soon enough! I would suggest that you first type up your critique in word so you can check it for spelling and grammar errors, and then copy and paste your critique to the blog. Please remember that this is an academic setting. I am expecting proper behavior on this blog. All comments must be appropriate or will be deleted by the instructor and the student will receive a zero. Also, all comments are to be supported with details and examples from the speech. No unsupported statements will receive credit.I want to be sure that you become familiar with blogging quickly so, we are going to put our first homework assignment here. Please go to the next blog post. Click on comments and post your thoughts per the instructions. Again, stay calm if you get me via email or in our next class for help!