Saturday, May 2, 2009

Entertainment Speech

Please post your critique comments for our last speech here. Be sure to identify at least three of the five techniques from creating humor. Then, post your thoughts about their delivery and content.


Priya said...
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Lisa said...

In Cheryl’s speech “A Dog is a Man’s Best Friend,” she captured the audience’s attention well. Three of the five techniques that I felt she did a good job on using where, 1) using herself or others. She used herself and her husband as examples throughout the speech. 2) Using other sources, she used her daughter and her husband in this case. 3) Building a bridge, she used this for example when she was talking about how the puppy store called out to her husband and lured him into the store making the puppy telling the husband to buy it. And she also did a good job on the element of surprise. She used the element of surprise in the matter of when her husband called her at home to tell her he had bought yet another dog.
Overall, I felt Cheryl did a outstanding job presenting her speech. She had terrific eye contact and a great attention getter. She stated her thesis clearly for everyone to understand. She also had a good conclusion yet I felt she could have set it up better and not ended her speech so abruptly. One other thing she needs to watch is further speaking is her grammar she referred to herself and her husband as “Me and my husband”instead of“My husband and me”. She really only did this about once or twice, so it really was not that harming to her speech, yet for further presentations it could hurt her more.
In closing, I felt Cheryl delivered yet again one powerful speech and did a great job. You can tell that she was well rehearsed and did an excellent job delivering her speech on “A Dog is a Man’s Best Friend”.

Priya said...

Lisa was able to create a vivid picture of her vacation to Disney through her entertainment speech. She had a strong opening thesis and attention getter. In addition, she had great eye contact and a good conversational style. Lisa was able to use the element of humor of talking about herself and her family during her speech (1). Also, Lisa created the element of surprise with the storm (2); although, this element of humor would have been more effective if she had not vaguely hinted to it beforehand. Lisa was able to build decent bridges through her speech to connect the concepts (3) (ex. from the airport to the luggage to the hotel and then the storm). Although I did not feel these techniques were effectively used to full potential in her speech, they got the job done and created a funny, humorous speech. In terms of delivery, Lisa was able to connect with the audience with also helped her presentation. Although she was slightly fidgety while presenting, she had good posture and technique. Overall, I enjoyed her speech - both delivery and content.

Anonymous said...

(This is Anne Roig; for some reason this site wont recognize my sign in.)

Becky B. was able to create a fun speech. She was able to use herself, as well as her family in creating a funny experience she once had. She suprised me with the red button she was told not to press, which ended up with her mom getting pepper spray right in her face!!

She had great eye contact with the class, and her voice was very nice and was a nice conversational style.

sheryll said...

I apologize but I forgot the name of the classmate I was assigned to critique. I do remember he was one the high school boys participating in the Jump Start Program (I think this is what the program is called). His entertainment speech was based on an incident that occurred at high school during his gym period. His speech did not contain any of the elements discussed in our book on what an entertainment speech is suppose to be comprised of. In fact, he actually did exactly what the book warned not to do and what to be cognizant of, which is; he ridiculed and degraded a person under the pretense of humor. My classmate’s speech was also not long enough to constitute a speech. His speech did not have a thesis or specific purpose statement and was only comprised of a retelling of a very short incident that occurred. I hope he learned from this experience and will prepare a thesis, purpose statement, credibility, and preview to help him execute a successful speech in the future.

Brie said...

I believe that in Amanda's speech on her road-trip story she gained the whole classes attention. She used herself and others as in she went on a road-trip (I would hope to think that at least most of us if not all of all of us have experienced one.) She built a bridge, and she also built the element of surprise with the the tire going flat, and the tornado incident. I believe that she did an excellent job with her speech. She had great eye contact, and an good visual aid (powerpoint.) Her thesis was clear to everyone when she stated it, and a good conclusion to her speech as well.

Corey said...

In George's speech about his family he only used two of the five elements of humor. He used himself and others in the speech, which was him and his family. He also used the pulling the switch and changing the peg method with his pictures on his powerpoint. Those were the only elements of humor that I recognized.
His delivery was good. The speech itself had everyone laughing and he had a very comfortable and friendly tone. The only thing that needed improvement was that he read off of the powerpoint to much.